We have more than 200 apartments for rent in Thao Dien, including in popular buildings such as Masteri Thao Dien and Gateway Thao Dien.
For more information, you can view our list of apartment buildings below or contact us on 086-510-6940 (if outside of Vietnam, call +84 86-510-6940) for more information or to schedule time to view any apartment.
Looking for an apartment in Thao Dien? As Saigon’s most popular area for expats, Thao Dien has a large range of modern, high quality apartments available.
Pricing for apartments in Thao Dien can vary from as little as $400 per month to thousands of dollars per month for large apartments in high-end buildings.
Below, you can find our full list of apartments for rent Thao Dien, along with information for each building. To view available apartments in any building, click on the building’s name to see our full, up-to-date apartment list.
Thao Dien Area Guide
Thao Dien is the most popular area in Saigon for expats. It’s also one of the city’s most desirable places to live, with several of Vietnam’s best international schools, a variety of shopping malls and supermarkets, numerous cafés and a diverse range of restaurants in the area.
International schools in Thao Dien include ISHCMC, the European International School HCMC (EIS), the British International School, the Australian International School Thao Dien and EtonHouse, an international kidergarden for children 18 months to six years old.
Malls in the area include Vincom Mega Mall Thao Dien and the Thao Dien Pearl mall, both of which contain supermarkets. You can find several international supermarkets, including Annam Gourmet and Naman Market, in the area. There are also several other shopping malls and supermarkets in nearby An Phu.
Frequently Asked Questions About Apartments in Thao Dien
The apartments listed above are out of my price range. Can you help me find something for $200/$300/$400 per month?
As an agency, we generally focus on renting apartments in the $500+ per month range. However, our staff can direct you to cheaper apartments in the area if you contact us.
Although Thao Dien is an upmarket part of Saigon, there are smaller, less expensive apartments available in the area. You’ll find most of these in smaller, privately-owned buildings around the neighborhood.
Are there any pet friendly apartments in Thao Dien?
Yes! Several apartments in Thao Dien are pet friendly. The following apartment buildings allow pets, albeit with some restrictions:
- Masteri Thao Dien
- Masteri An Phu
- Gateway Thao Dien
- Thao Dien Pearl
- The Nassim Thao Dien
- Hoang Anh Gia Lai (cats only)
- FIDECO Riverview
If you’d like to live with your pet, you’ll generally need to register it at the building’s reception before you move in. Our team can help you with this during the moving process. You can learn more about pet/apartment rules and etiquette in our guide to pet-friendly apartments in Saigon.
What’s the best apartment building in Thao Dien?
There’s no “best” apartment building in the area for everyone. Thao Dien has a varied selection of apartments, with some buildings offering smaller units ideal for single individuals and others offering large, family-sized apartments.
If you have specific requirements or need help working out which building is best for you, please contact us. Our team can recommend apartments for you based on your budget, personal taste and requirements.
How long is the typical contract term and security deposit?
Most apartment contracts in Thao Dien (and elsewhere in HCMC) are for 12 months. The prices listed on our website represent this. Some owners may be willing to commit to a shorter rental contract at a higher monthly rate.
On the other hand, it’s often possible to negotiate a discount if you’d like to rent for longer than one year. We’ve covered this in our guide to negotiating your monthly rent.
Most apartments require a one or two month security deposit. This can vary depending on the apartment’s owner, the value of the furniture and equipment inside the apartment, and other factors.
Can your staff show me a variety of apartments in Thao Dien?
Sure! If you’re looking to rent an apartment in the Thao Dien area, please contact us. Our staff can prepare a variety of apartments based on your budget and needs, then show you all of the suitable units and apartment buildings. There is no cost to view apartments and no obligation to rent.